Christians We Got To Do Better

I am so sadden about the deaths of our children. I understand that these are suppose to be the last days and don't get me wrong I do know this world as we know it will pass away. But I have been hearing we in the last days since I was a child. What bothers me about people saying that is that, that seem to be an excuse for children killing each other or parents killing their children. Some christians are asking Jesus to hurry up and come back, well I remember Jesus saying that it is not his will that any should perish. So lets try to find some solutions to this problem. It should be unexceptable for children to be killing and children going to state prisons at the ages of 15,16,17.

My christian sisters and brothers we can not hide behide "these are the last days" because we don't really know when our last days are. Didn't Jesus also say that no man knows the day or the hour. And if these are the last days don't we want to be doing the work of our father when Jesus comes back.

I asked God why is this happening, and He told me it's because they don't know me, Hummmmmmm thats sounds like us that know Him should be telling them about Him. Prayer warriors were are you I see so many titles of christian people on the internet as if thats thier badge of honor, no thats our job to do what the bible teaches us about our titles. IF God says you are able to war in the spirit then get to warring, tounges get to speaking to God in that language that the devil don't know. And us evangelist we need to be proclaiming the word of God and teachers, teach the unsaved as well as the saved.

You know when I came on the internet I came to advance the kingdom of God, to me that ment witnessing to those that didn't know God, those that were not sure how to get to God. But all I find myself doing is just talking to people that are already christian. Don't get me wrong I love my christian friends, I love encouraging inspiring and you have really helped me grow and mature in my christian walk. I just don't seem to be doing enough for the Kingdom of God.

We have to do better and try to find some answers, and even with we don't have the answer we must denounce-( to speak against openly and strongly; call bad;to inform against; tell on) condemn the devil and his works

It seem the devil has gotten bolder, then we have to turn the heat up on him. The battle is the Lords but let's give Him a reason to battle for us and ours.
Just angry and fustrated, what don't apply let it fly, these are just my thoughts

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