Deliverance is the process of expelling demons. It is not a cure all yet it is an important part of what God is doing in relationship to the current revival in the church.We honestly need to find what part deliverance can play in each of our lives and receive whatever benefit it offers.The church is the bride of Christ, and Christ is coming for His bride. Eph.5:25-27declares that His bride must be cleansed.Deliverance is an essential part of the preparation of the bride of Christ, getting rid of spots and wrinkles. Since the church for which Christ is coming, is to be Holy and without blemish we must agree that unclean spirits must be purged from our lives. Steps to Deliverance is taken from the book Pigs in the Parlor by Frank and Ida Hammond.Seven Steps to Deliverance 1. Honesty Ask God to help you see yourself as He sees you and bring to light anything that is not of Him. 2. Humility-- A recognition that one is dependent upon God and His provision for deliverance. James 4:7 "So give yourself humbly to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." 3. Repentance -- Deliverance is not be used merely to gain relief from problems but in order to become more like Jesus through obedience to all God requires. Repentance is a turning from all that hinders spiritual growth, ministry and fellowship. Repentance requires open confession of all sin. It take away the legal rights of demon spirits. 4. Renunciation--Forsaking of evil. Action resulting from repentance. Acts 19:18,19. A clean break with Satan and all his works. 5. Forgiveness -- God freely forgives all who confess their sins and ask forgiveness through His Son. 1 John 1:9 He expects us to forgive all others who have ever wronged us in any way. 6. Prayer -- As God to deliver you and set you free in the name of Jesus. Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered.7 Warfare -- Use the weapons of submission to God. Identify the spirits, address them directly by name in commanding voice and in faith command them to go in name of Jesus. Enter the battle with determination and assurance of victory. "And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils. Mark 16:17. "Seven Steps for Retaining Deliverance. 1. Put on the whole Armor of God. Eph 6:10-182. Confess positively Positive confession is faith expressed. 2.Confess what God's Word says. Mark 11:233. 3.Stay in the scripture. Eph 5:25-26 Heb 4:124. Crucify the flesh-- 4.Take up your daily cross and follow Jesus (Luke 9:23) 5.Break old habit patterns set up in league with evil spirits. If fleshly appetites, desires and lusts are not brought to the cross, a way for demons to return will be left open. Gal 5:19:21-225. 6.Develop a life of continuous praise and prayer. Praise silences the enemy. Praise is the expression to God of thankfulness, adoration, joy by speaking, singing, ect Prayer in the Sprit 1 Cor. 14:14. Pray without ceasing 1 Thess 5:176. Maintain a Life of Fellowship and Spiritual Ministry. It is the sheep that wander from the flock that is most endangers. Find and fulfill you function within the body of Christ. Desire spiritual gifts. ** I wouldn't try speaking in tongues until after you are delivered. 7. Commit Yourself totally to Christ. Determine that every thought, word and action will reflect the very nature of Christ. Abide in Christ that the fruit of the Spirit might com forth. Demon spirits are enemies of the fruit of the Spirit.Self-Deliverance 1. Deliverance is a process. 2. Accurately discern the spirit. 3. One does not need to go around thinking demons all of the time. We are to keep our minds on Jesus and things that are true, honest, pure, lovely and of good report . .Self-deliverance is experience in the same way that occurs when a person in ministered to by another. The person is his own minister.He will by prayer made his confession to God that he wants no part of the devil and desires the Lord to set him free. The demons will be addressed and called by name, one by one. After he has commanded several times for a specific demon to go in the name of Jesus, he will begin to expel his breath forcefully a few time or to initiate a cough from as deeply as possible.Since the manifestations vary from person to person no simple explanation can be given as to what to expect. (In the author's_experience) as soon as I would address the demon I would feel a pressure in my throat followed by coughing and bring up phlegm. You might buy the book Pigs in the Parlor, it costs about $8. It goes into much more detail about demons and how they work in a person. The book sold over a million copies


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